Rezensionen für das Pilates Arm Chair Manual
Unser Pilates Arm Chair Manual ist von der Fachwelt sehr positiv aufgenommen worden
Ein Artikel im Pilates Style Magzine über das Arm Chair Manual, ein Artikel über den Arm Chair im bekannten Online Magazin Pilates Intel und die Empfehlung des Manuals durch die absolute Expertin für den Pilates Arm Chair, Mejo Wiggins.
Pilates Style Magazine Review für das Arm Chair Manual
Mittlerweile gibt es sowohl für die deutsche Version des Arm Chair Manuals, als auch für die englische Version, Rezensionen, die ich gerne mit Euch teilen möchte.
Hier die deutschen Rezensionen über das Arm Chair Manual
„5.0 von 5 Sternen
Super Buch!
Sehr gut bebilderte Übungen, die super zu Hause mit einfachen Mitteln nachzumachen sind und bei mir eine optimale Wirkung erzielt haben.
Die Übungen sind kleinschrittig erklärt und es werden Alternativen aufgezeigt, wie man die Übungen auch ohne Arm Chair zu Hause effektiv durchführen kann.
Ich kann das Buch nur empfehlen, da mir die Übungen schnell und nachhaltig geholfen haben!“
„5.0 von 5 Sternen
Ein tolles Buch! Ich habe nach dem Kauf alle Übungen selbst auf dem Arm Chair nach der detaillierten Anweisung und Dank der tollen Bilder ausgeführt! Die Wörter Kontrolle, Konzentration, Zentrierung, Gleichgewicht, Atmung und Effektivität bekommen eine ganz klare Bedeutung!!!
Vielen Dank für diese tollen Anregungen und klaren Beschreibungen. Für Anfänger aber auch für erfahrene Pilatestrainer ein Buch, dass man haben sollte. Kaufen, selbst ausprobieren, bei Kunden anwenden; das macht Spaß!!!!“
„5.0 von 5 Sternen
Hervorragendes Manual!!!
Durch dieses Manual verwandelt sich der von Jo auch genannte “old women Chair” zu einem “Super Chair”!!! Sehr detailliert beschriebene, sowie umfangreich illustrierte Übungen, welche sehr gut nachvollziehbar sind- auch gibt es die Info, ob es sich um eine klassische oder eine moderne Variante handelt. Es war mir eine Freude, als erste Ausbildungsgruppe, direkt beim Autor selbst, die Arm Chair- Übungen zu erlernen. Wieder eine tolle Arbeit, Reiner! Für alle, die den Arm Chair besser und intensiv kennen lernen wollen und Pilatestrainer ein definitives Must- have!“
„5.0 von 5 Sternen
Excellentes Pilates Arm Chair Buch! Das erste auf dem Markt für dieses von J.H. Pilates erfundenes Gerät! Sehr gut illustriert und die Übungen deutlich erklärt! Ein Must have !!“
„5.0 von 5 Sternen
Habe das buch gerade bekommen, Der Pilates Arm Chair und Einfuhrung in dem Wunda Chair von Reiner Grootenhuis
Wen auch mein Deutsch nicht perfeckt ist, ich finde diese bucher einfach super.
Einfach, gut geschrieben, die bilder sind klar, das ist eine sehr gutes ensemble.
Dancke fur dein austausch , ich finde das sehr classe.“
Hier die Rezensionen für die englische Version des Arm Chair Manuals
„5.0 out of 5 stars
A must buy for fabulous Pilates
In the photo you can see my Pilates armchair so the book purchase was a must! See his specialist advice information and expertise is magnificent Reiner gives so much fabulous information and support for working on the baby armchair it is a must for Pilates trainers you learn so much it is full of beautiful photos and fantastic information five star rating for this“
„5.0 out of 5 stars
This is an excellent manual covering the exercises on the often neglected (or even unknown!) Arm Chair. Broken down into precise movement descriptions and including the intent and purpose as well as the modifications for each exercise, makes this an invaluable manual for any Pilates devotee. “
„5.0 out of 5 stars
Excellent manual for Pilates Arm Chair. A must buy for all Pilates instructors and for Pilates devotees
This Pilates Arm Chair manual is extremely well done, is clear, concise and precise. The sections within the manual are excellent. Pictures are clear in demonstrating, and very much like the alternate perspective photos.The arm chair is an oft neglected piece of Pilates equipment. This manual gives a large repertoire of exercises, and has inspired me to once again utilize this valuable piece. Reiner has done a superb job, and I am looking forward to his next manual.“
„5.0 out of 5 stars
A must have for any serious classical Pilates student
I loved this book so much, I bought it twice! Once when it came out in German, and again when the English version was published. It is an excellent resource, well written and beautifully documented. I especially liked the description of “Common Mistakes”, as that seems to be missing in most manuals. Well done, Reiner!“
„5.0 out of 5 stars
Wonderful book for Pilates teachers and fans
Wonderful book for Pilates teachers and fans. The arm or baby chair is a great piece of Pilates equipment that is surprisingly versatile. The author did a great job, providing clear instructions and color photographs to explain each exercise. I highly recommend this book.“
„5.0 out of 5 stars
Worth the $$
Reiner hit the proverbial nail on the head with this one. Clean, concise, clear descriptions with pics. Easiest to most challenging, modern and traditional both represented and clearly marked which is which. Priced right, Covers just about everything you’d ever want to know about using the arm chair. Happy I purchased it.“
„Reviewed by Elaine Ewing
This manual was written by Reiner Grootenhuis and Dr. Ingo Barck. It starts out with an introduction to the Arm Chair and the Pilates principles. In the Arm Chair intro, Reiner mentions that the apparatus is one of the least used and owned pieces of equipment in studios today. He also points out that there is also less information available to teachers about how to teach on the arm chair compared to other pieces of equipment, from sources such as manuals and online videos. Reiner’s book features 42 exercises on the arm chair, which consist of Joe’s exercises, well known arm chair exercises either created by Romana or other teachers, both classical and contemporary.
Before the exercise section of the manual, there are a number of pages of information on how to use the manual, how to set up for the exercises, goals for teaching on the arm chair, etc. He also quotes well known Pilates teachers about teaching and the exercises. This is a nice section to prep someone about teaching on the chair or to get teachers to think more about teaching on the chair. He also shows photos of arm chairs made by different manufacturers and the different types of handles they have.
The next section features an overview of all the positions one can sit or kneel using the chair. I noticed it does not include any exercises done standing behind the chair, and no exercises using the Neck Stretcher with the chair. However there are quite a few creative sitting and kneeling positions that are very well explained.
Moving on to the exercises section. Each exercise gets its own page with 3-4 nice sized photos of the stages of the movement. Listed for each exercise is: Set up of the exercise, Aim of the exercise, Execution, Common Mistakes, and Modifications or variations. Some of the exercises also show close ups of hand position and alternative perspective photos of the exercise from a different angle. It is clear that a lot of thought went into the making of this manual in a way that would be easy for someone to teach or do exercises from the book and to get many of the details correct, as well as answer any questions about the exercises that anyone may have previously had.
The exercises first begin with the simplest to master, Boxing, Small Arm Circles, and Hug Sitting Back. Although there is of course no set order to arm chair exercises, it does make sense to start with the simplest and progress to the most complex.
The exercises then progress to those involving spinal articulation and with the chair back moving. Continuing throughout the book are exercises done kneeling on the chair facing out, sitting on the chair facing in, kneeling on the chair facing in, and kneeling on the chair facing the side. Within these positions are also other positions, such as kneeling away or against the chair back, and kneeling to the side upright or against the chair back on a diagonal.
Overall the book is simple and clear in a good way, to make for a nice guide book for someone new to the arm chair, or for a way for clients to remind themselves of how to do an exercise, or for new exercise ideas one may not have tried on the chair. It/s also a good book to own if you don’t have an arm chair, as it is informative as to many aspects about the chair and could be inspirational to someone to buy an arm chair. I always think its nice to support other teachers and their creative endeavors such as this book, so if you’re like me and like to support and also like to add unique books to your collection, this book will make a nice addition to your collection.“
„5.0 out of 5 stars
A must for Arm Chair practitioners!
Excellent book and very good value, clear and concise with thorough photos to demonstrate the exercises. I also appreciated the designation whether it was a traditional or modern version exercise as well as modifications and specific muscle focus. I highly recommend this comprehensive arm chair book which is very reasonably priced. Thank you Reiner!“
„5.0 out of 5 stars
This is an excellent resource for pilates teachers and students alike that use the Pilates Arm Chair in their practice. I believe this is the first comprehensive technical resource manual for all of the the arm chair exercises. The pictures are great and each exercise has a description of the proper set up, the stated focus as well as modifications/variations and common mistakes to look for. Any studio that has a ‘baby chair’ should have this resource manual on hand! “
„5.0 out of 5 stars
Fantastic The Pilates Arm Chair has arrived!
Finally a well laid out user manual for The Pilates Arm Chair also known as The Baby Arm Chair. It is a clear & concise guide to the use of this relatively rare Pilates gem. It describes how to perform both traditional and modern exercises. Each exercise is broken down into initial setup, purpose of the exercise, proper execution, common mistakes to avoid, modifications or variations. Exercises are given one of 12 different starting positions to address the needs of a given body. I highly recommend this as a starting point for those who are unfamiliar with the proper use of this apparatus.“
„5.0 out of 5 stars
Well Written and Fair Priced Book
Excellent book! Well explained detailed descriptions of the history of The Pilates Arm Chair and each of the exercises on this apparatus accompanied by photographs. This is the perfect reference book and valuable teaching tool for the Pilates Arm Chair (also known as Pilates Baby Arm Chair) for both the student and the instructor, a good addition to any studio library.“
„5.0 out of 5 stars
this is an absolute must! well written and highly informative :)“
Und hier schon fast ein Ritterschlag von der Pilates Arm Chair Expertin überhaupt, MeJo Wiggin:
„Hello Reiner - I saw your new book on the Arm Chair and I think it is fabulous!! I like that you kept things clear as to what is traditional and what is modern. Your explanation was thorough and was very well done. Best wishes with it!! MeJo“
Vielen Dank für die positiven Rückmeldungen! Freue mich sehr darüber. Motiviert mich wirklich an weiteren Manualen zu arbeiten.